010000 | 547D1F | 6D7582 | 6D9E4D | 9DB6D5 | A5A29B | A7A262 | D6DBE1 |
à Gildas qui avait aimé cette photo
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I really love the scenery, great quality of the light, colors, clarity, I would only work to straighten the horizon as in my opinion it falls to the right. what do you think JCJ?
8 Feb 2011 5:12am
@sunstone_maria: "it falls to the right" not obviously. I know very well the relief of this place. the horizon is not straight as the horizon of the sea.
This is so dreamy...I love such scenery, I could drive such road indefinitely...
It is the type of vacation that I had this past Summer/Fall, driving on this kind of roads throughout several countries in Europe, including France!
It is the type of scenery that makes me feel alive and happy...
I would put a tent in this spot where your camera was, and would live happily ever after..
Although, I guess, snow, frost and other such things would cause me to re-think the tent option :)
By the way, I love your title! very appropriate, and the image, like I said, it's a dream ...
8 Feb 2011 5:12am
I was going to suggest the horizon issue also, as the other Maria did, but then I was not sure, such landscapes can be deceiving in regards to the horizon line..judging by the walls of the tall church in the village, it may be possible that the landscape it's tilted indeed...as shown...
there is also a small structure in the left side (about 3/4 way) whose walls also seem to be straight, so ...I was not really sure that the horizon line is not leveled...
8 Feb 2011 5:17am
A lovely landscape with a nice composition! Judging by that traffic sign, I think you could tilt the photo a bit to the left.
8 Feb 2011 6:18am
Un régal ces lignes, ces courbes, et ces couleurs changeantes au fil des parcelles ! Bonne journée
8 Feb 2011 6:24am
belle profondeur. Le regard glisse sur ces lignes et ces couleurs. Bien joué.
8 Feb 2011 6:50am
J'aime beaucoup ce triangle de terre brune qui met une touche de contrastes dans un paysage au tons de vert en camaïeux presque annonciateur de printemps.
8 Feb 2011 7:40am
que notre pays est beau ,une vrai carte postal ,avec ce village au fond.
excellente photo ,j.christophe!bravo
8 Feb 2011 8:17am
Beautiful scenery, love those lines and wide view! Cool title:-)
8 Feb 2011 8:34am
Beautiful green landscape.. nicely framed.
8 Feb 2011 8:46am
Un superbe graphisme et de superbes couleurs !!!
J'aime bcp !!
8 Feb 2011 9:04am
Sublime tout simplement, je suis vraiment fan!!! 5*. Bonne journée.
8 Feb 2011 9:27am
As your title implies, there is a gentle flow to this landscape . . a spot I would feel reluctant to leave for sure.
8 Feb 2011 9:46am
Wonderful perspective! I love the gently flowing contours. Bonne journée.
8 Feb 2011 12:12pm
Breathtaking photo and beautiful composition. Love how the scene goes on forever.
8 Feb 2011 1:57pm
Superbe, vraiment même si petit problème d'horizontalité (l'église penche clairement à droite).
Beau ciel.
8 Feb 2011 2:04pm
@Gérard Beullac: "l'église penche clairement à droite", clairement, la vache, faut encore que je change de lunettes!
Excellent leading lines, rolling hills, lush green eternity.
8 Feb 2011 3:09pm
Ca sent le printemps !!! Superbe tout ce vert.
8 Feb 2011 8:40pm
très beau paysage tout simple... j'admire, je ne sais pas faire (c'est vrai en plus, je suis toute bête, quand j'ai un paysage à prendre en photo... vive la ville, lol !)
8 Feb 2011 9:42pm
C'est béton! Belle harmonie de teintes naturelles avec une perspective élégante qui nous fait découvrir la campagne de la Champagne!
Champagne pour toi Jean Christophe!
9 Feb 2011 8:05am
Non non, pas la peine de changer de lunettes!! En y regardant de plus près, cette impression provient sans doute d'une illusion créée par la courbe du bois derrière l'église...
9 Feb 2011 8:15am
encore une très belle exploitation du graphisme naturel de la nature
9 Feb 2011 8:20pm
Paysasage des plus paisibles. Jolie prise de vue qui suscite de saines escapades.
9 Feb 2011 9:51pm
So I read all these comments, including the ones in French, and I saved your image and inspected it, and I must confirm, once again, that your horizon is straight, according to my investigation! :)
The walls of the church are straight up on the pixel, and so is the street sign and other such obvious clues.
You did wonderful, no need to change any glasses...the horizon line judgment is challenging and I think your judgment was right on.
Great job!
13 Feb 2011 5:16am